Womb Wisdom : Qoutes

“When you live in this stream, you live according to your heart’s desires, your innermost urging and true calling, following your inner voice and listening to your natural rhythms as they harmonize with the earth, your loved ones, the cycles of time and rhythm, and life itself. The life spark within all of us, birthed from the womb, pushes toward this movement, the very movement of creativity, joy, and free sexual energy. These movements constantly go through you and the earth and are made conscious when your emotional state is agile and you can easily emote, for emotions equals energy in motion.

To align to the movements of the womb requires that you become fluid. When you are fully fluid, you can experience any feeling whatsoever at any time, at will. Thus if you can, at will, feel delight, feel love, anger, or tears without attachment to them, then you can be moved by Spirit, which is always fluid and open. However, the less you can summon feelings, the more you are frightened of them, the more you are at their mercy. Conversely, the more you allow yourself to experience feelings, the less you can be enslaved by them. If you allow them to pass through you, you become transparent, without holding on to anything or anybody.”

Womb Wisdom by Padma and Anaiya Aon Prakasha

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“The Divine itself is life in motion. The divine is using the situations of our lives to accomplish its own awakening, and many times it takes the difficult situations to wake us up. The irony is that most human beings spend their lives avoiding painful situations. We have an unconscious belief that our greatest growth in consciousness and awareness comes thru beautiful moments. We may, indeed, make great leaps in consciousness through beautiful moments, but I’d say that most people make their greatest leaps in consciousness in the difficult times.” -Taken from: The End of the World as You Know It by ADYASHANTI



Qoute BY: Adyashanti