Mary Oliver: Poetry

1391464_603391929696968_213451717_nA friend recently gave me a copy of Mary Oliver’s poetry called Dream Work…

It is quite simply a gorgeous book and I had to share a poem here….because….Poetry is always sensual, tantric and healing. Poetry uses words to paint pictures, to tease our senses and to open our hearts. It teaches us to reflect on our lives and to notice the details in our experiences. A good poet with their exsquisite use of words, can pierce your heart on levels you never knew existed. Perhaps didn’t even know you were feeling. All at once it can make you pause and take notice of life happening right before you.

This is truly the intention of Sensual Tantric Healing, to inspire and to reveal. To slow down enough to smell the roses, to walk in the sunlight, to taste the food we eat, the friends we laugh with, to marvel at this amazing existence. And in our most sensual places we find sensitivity and feeling. We find grace. In the inner thigh, in the back of the knees, in the slow way we take a breath, in the way our lover’s hair trickles over our cheek, in the colors in the sky at sunset, in the way a great piece of lingerie feels seductive and exciting to wear and to look at. Life is sensual tantric healing… enjoy this poem and feel good about reflecting on it…read it a few times, let it sink in. Read it out loud. Read it to someone near you, read it into your iphone recorder and play it back to listen to your own voice. Mary Oliver is gifted in that, she speaks to the soul of humanity….in the end, we all speak the same language of soul.

WILD GEESE     By: Mary Oliver

You do not have to be good.

You do not have to walk on your knees

for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.

You only have to let the soft animal of your body

love what it loves.

Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.

Meanwhile the world goes on.

Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain

are moving across the landscapes,

over the prairies and the deep trees,

the mountains and the rivers.

Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,

are heading home again.

Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,

the world offers itself to your imagination,

calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting–

over and over announcing your place

in the family of things.

Click here to order a copy of her poems….

Blessings to all ways that you walk your path…..:)

Opening Prayers of Healing

56814_449403558449707_652988619_oWhen a client walks thru my door, and I would really rather not refer to them as “clients”, lets say “Guests”. When a guest walks thru my door I must admit there is sometimes a bit of hesitation, also known as resistance. After talking to some fellow Dakini friends, they revealed they sometimes feel this way too. Resistance. Hesitation. Not feeling up to it. Wishing to be somewhere else. I used to feel a bit ashamed about this. Am I a “real” Dakini if I feel this way? Shouldn’t I be loving every second of every session if I am truly a REAL Tantrika?…Well….not really.

Here is the thing. We ALL have resistance about everything. It’s human nature. The shadow exists. It’s in how we meet that resistance and hesitation, especially before a session that creates that magic in a session. After talking to my amazing Tantra mentor about it, she revealed she felt the same resistance before sessions and just chooses to embrace it. How fabulous!! Embrace the resistance. Isn’t this what I am sharing in my sessions, embracing everything, every sensation, every feeling and breathing with it, thru it, exhaling into the experience without judgement? Magic things happen when we do this. Expansion. I see it with my guests all the time….

Now I begin a prayer before the guest comes. It is always different but sometimes sounds like this::”Dear wise and deep goddess, embrace me and this fellow soul to meet in oneness, in healing and truth. Allow me to open to your call, to your grace, to your beauty as the sacred vessel I am, so that I can hold the door open for this fellow soul to meet his or her self in the highest possible way. Allow me to be at peace with the resistance in my body, allow me to not fight my experience but to breathe with it as part of the great whole so that in this way, I invite this guest to honor their experience as well. Allow only the highest good of all involved to be revealed in this meeting and allow all darkness to be transformed into light”.

Having started this, saying this quietly or internally, seated ideally meditating or if I don’t have time, as I am setting up the room or preparing myself, I invoke the highest possible frequency and I embrace myself exactly where I am and as the perfect point for the healing to start. This starting prayer is everything in my work. Without it at the beginning, I can start it in the middle of the session if I forget it at the beginning, but it is much more challenging to lay the foundation of quality energy down. When I start it at the beginning, I find I naturally come back to the intention thrughout the session and the power of the healing is magnified. If I get a little sidetracked in the session or the guest comes in with alot of stress or alot of mind, the prayer just grounds me and keeps the energy steady.

In this way, the bodywork, the breath, the sounding all becoming embodied prayers. No matter where the energy goes, or what the guest experiences or needs to release, the prayer is protecting the whole container. To set this container up at the beginning of a session makes EVERYTHING that much easier. It is also FUN. Prayer is an art. You can create your own, find chants or mantras that inspire you, or even sing your prayers. It’s all about the devotion in your heart, it’s all about you connecting to that larger source and the guest, no matter where they are at on their tantric journey, WILL feel it. I have had the most amazing experiences with people who completely blew my mind’s ideas of what I thought they could handle or who I thought they were. Calling in the soul, is for everyone, if for all of life, and even if a person gets just a little taste, you lay the foundation for them to experience more. To remember an experience, to open up that much more the next time.

I often find myself guiding them with words during the session and this too, becomes an extension of the opening prayer. The quality of my voice, the intention behind it. It may just be simple instructions but the words are part of the embodied prayer.

Sensual Tantric Healing is a living, embodied prayer for healing, pleasure, connection and joy. Empowerment is a by-product. Freedom happens naturally. What a dance of love.  So grateful.

The Dance is Tantra

11179_457983600922647_96183604_n“On the dance floor, meeting complete strangers in the beat, you have the opportunity to rip off your mask and relax into the rhythm of connection. Sweat will melt your defenses away. Rhythms shatter one’s needs to judge, control, defend, push, blame. In the fleeting energy of the moment there is only the dance”.
Gabrielle Roth… Connections: The Five Threads of Intuitive Wisdom

The Dance. The first and last place I find myself in the face of God. To know myself as rhythm, as connection, as the shatter of all the mind chatter and to deliver us to rest only in the breath. We underestimate this dance to have the power to heal, inspire, uplift and reconnect. Sometimes the most healing thing I can do is put on a piece of good music and just dance in my living room. The power of music to cleanse the spirit, the body and the mind is beyond any healing modality I have ever discovered. And everyone likes music, everyone in every part of the world, has that music they dig on, has that song they sang as children, has that radio song they listen to driving that makes them roll down the window and sing, has the sesame street song, has that commercial jingle, has that favorite in the jute box. Music and rhythm is what is coursing thru our veins and is always here for us, as us. And anyone can dance, even if they have no legs, no feet, no arms, no way to move anything, because music is in the soul and the soul can never be taken away….

The Dance is Tantra…it is the merging and the meeting of the deepest part of our heart and our consciousness. We can come to the dance in any way shape or form. The dance can hold our sadness, our anger, or depression, our joy, our confusion, our numbness. Every color of our experience can be shaped onto the dance floor, can be breathed thru, can be alchemized into an offering of sweat, tears, creative movement, as an offering of free expression. When you see a human really moving, really in their essence on the dance floor, all I can see is beauty,.. raw, unequivocal beauty in every way. When the head is dropped, the feet are found and the hands play with invisible shapes coming out the heart and down the arms, an average stiff human becomes a flower of expression, of art. This is tantra….to become alive, present, feeling, awake to the beauty of life, to the infinity of every moment, for no other reason than it is our essence, our prime reason for living on the planet. We are here to live fully in our shiny radiance. This is the dance. Making love to the moment, with total self acceptance, with total let go, with full, heart and soul, no matter where we are at when we arrive. Tired, grumpy, ecstatic, bored, withdrawn, horny, we come as we are and we let the dance transform us, create thru us out of all the various colors we bring. And we dance for each other, to inspire each other in connection and commonality. We dance for our tribal natures, our shared human family that is all wanting to wake up and get free. Freeeeee….to be you and me. Blessed be. Find the dance and move yourself to liberation, to the place where the divine in you meets the divine in me. Namaste great beings…..this dance is the joy of existence.

Beautiful Illusions of Love

393070_518071681566448_1749994254_nI was told, after my recent “heartbreak”, if you can call it that, (what was it  an 11 day romance? Please.) that I needed to take responsibility for drawing this into my life, for creating the life lesson to propel me forward on my spiritual path. That all my, “but he said this” and “did this” and “what about this vagrant abuse of the female species, not to mention all the women on his facebook wall”, and what about the words “I LOVE YOU!!”..Doesn’t that mean anything to anyone anymore? Or have we all gotten so spiritualized and tantracized that we say it to the mailman with the same meaning we say it to the person who just happens to be in our bed.  That all these excuses were really just to justify my not taking responsibility for the creation of my own reality. Honestly, I think the words I Love You are used far to often with far too much flippancy, and I would like to claim, that when I say them, I honestly mean them. Well, at least I think I do, because now that I look back on it, how can you honestly love someone you have no actual life experience with. Which brings up the deeper questions of what is real love? And more importantly what is illusion? And how do we take responsibility for every lesson that comes into our lives, as trying to teach us, to grow us, to evolve us and our illusions of love. That’s some heavy duty responsibility, especially when the other person has done or said things that most certainly justify our behavior and our excuses not to face really taking responsibility for our own pain. And our own creative illusins. Ouch.

Now, rifling thru the fleeting time I had with this person, I mean really 11 days is not enough to know much, I can see instance after instance of moments when my body distinctly let me know that things were not as kosher as my fantastical mind wanted to believe. That really, what was happening was chemistry and energy and a need making itself manifest as a person, that I could project my desires and the unmet parts of myself, that secretly yearned to be held and seen and appreciated. Unmet parts of myself. Unmet. Only to have these parts of myself, still not met, because this person was unavailable. How could he be available? I wasn’t available to myself. He was throwing crumbs at me and I was running after them, reaching outside of myself, away from the parts of me inside at war and in conflict because I was under the illusion that if he could supply some of that missing love, that somehow, that would nourish me. But this is the trap we all fall into, time after time, relationship after relationship, this idea that something outside of ourselves can fulfill us. And at the same time, this person was reflecting where I was at with myself…This is supposed to be a love story, a tale of heartbreak, drama and conflict, a tale of transformation and evolution. It’s also a soap opera,  a day-dream and mental fantasy projected on the tapestry of God’s great love. And in the end it is truth and it is true love. And there is also some great laughter. It’s not a spiritual self-help book. Oh gosh I know i started to sound like that, didn’t I, but it’s not that either. It’s not a case history…”John and Melora met at a bar but quickly realized they had entered an addictive pattern based on parental wounds and low self worth, left over from the abuse they had both received in their childhoods”. No. Its not that. Too Oprah. Please have this read as a cosmic instance of life lesson, that birthed a woman birthing herself for all the right reasons, because she wanted to kiss the sky of the goddess and break free of all the misunderstood parts of herself and the shackles of pain and suffering. That she realized she had been inflicting on herself her own pain for no other reason than habit and pointing the finger outward to an easy target:: A Lover done no good.

I knew from the beginning things were a rye. This is what fascinates me about these life tests, we always know, there are signs, some so obvious we look back and say, how the hell did I miss that? But this is the power of illusion, it lies. In such a pretty pretty way, we kind of like it, lets face it we do like it. Well we like it till it hurts. Then we don’t like it and want to change it. We want to get real, because we suddenly realize the good stuff is in reality.  But the signs of the illusion are always there, because truth never lies if we are listening. Like when for instance, when talking about whether each of us desired a boyfriend or girlfriend, his response was “yeah sometimes I want a girlfriend, like when I am watching a funny movie, and the funny part comes and I want to cuddle up next to someone. But then I get one and I don’t want one.” Really? This is your reason for wanting a connection with someone? A funny movie cuddle? This should have been clue numero biggy because my response, in my head of course, so I didn’t sound too spiritual wacko and scare the guy off, was “I want to merge our souls and travel to god while stopping only to hold each other accountable when the shadows flair and the storms come, I want someone who will rise and do what needs to be done for the children.( Okay that was Oriah Mountain Dreamer, but still it came into my thoughts), I want the real deal, soul quenching spiritual relationship that doesn’t stop at “committment fears” or “shes cuter” or “I am bored”, the kind of exchange that takes you faster to God, that pushes you beyond your boundaries, that forces you to face your fears, the kind that stretches your heart over the fire of truth and makes a barbecue out of all your illusions. Funny movie cuddles? I mean sure. That is certainly something to strive for along the way. Those certainly add to spiritual evolution. Are you getting my point with this comparison? The dude was not even meeting me in the same arena of relationship. He was still at the Drive In. I wanted to be the star up on the screen. He was flirting with me, he wasn’t wanting to invest in a serious meeting, at least not with me and even though his words made it sound otherwise (another thing I learned, the truth is not in the words), he really was just looking for a good time passing through…..Yet somehow this was considered “tantric”. And somehow I thought it was because he was deep and “unattached” Unavailable more like it. And truly, the guy has every right to be, the more evolved thing would be to walk the other way in peace and say…this guy is no bueno for me and its okay. But I didn’t I continued.

Like when for instance, he kept bringing up other girls and girlfriends. Like in bed. While I was in the bed. Available. Female. Post tantric workshop juicy. Also on the computer or phone alot, while i was also in the bed. Available. Female. Post tantric workshop juicy. It wasn’t until I had to ask the question in the morning of a sleepless night, “are you attracted to me?”. My god how low will a girl go to make sense of a boys strange behavior. And his proclamation somehow demonstrated he was, because then the passion flared. Yet what had I suffered to get there? And then it became all about that….the verbal demonstration of wanting to have sex. Wow. We went from 0 to 60. Ever wonder if you feel confusion from another, what it really is in them? For me, when I feel confusion in another, I assume that it means there is some reason we should not be together, because their soul must be picking up something beyond their conscious behavior. Is this a false assumption? Was it my own confusion? I mean I was confused the whole time, wanting to be close, then feeling like, no I didn’t, especially when I saw this person all over every other girl but me, yet proclaiming many romantic things to make me think otherwise. Yeah, I have to admit, never have I experienced that from a guy, it was absolutely an emotional roller coaster within my own heart. And really how could I get trapped into thinking this guy had any control over my heart? That he had anything that I would need outside of the abundance inside of me….the goddess? The goddess living inside of me, as me, with me, for me, beyond me, in spite of me? And I was tripping over a few crumbs along the path….

Which brings up yet another life lesson. Tantra. Tantra World. Tantra in the West. Tantra land….where people come together to try and be more conscious about their relationships and sexuality. To learn, to train, to grow, to also help others.  It doesn’t mean they have the answers nor does it mean they are more advanced or living more consciously. In fact it usually means opposite. Myself included. We share what we need to learn. We heal what we need to heal. We are all wounded healers. We all are doing the best we can. We all have our shit. We all …whatever other spiritual words you can put in here…..we are all God’s children. Not everyone on the tantric path is looking for some beautiful advanced relationship, not everyone has communication skills, not everyone is there because they want to see the face of God or transmute their karma to find enlightenment. And some people are. Some people quite magically definitely are. They aren’t hiding behind being “detached” and “removed”as some great spiritual mask which really translates into, emotionally unavailable to really feel or go deep into the scarey parts. Which translates into, I am scared of getting messy. Which translates into, I am unavailable for the kind of relationship you are looking for Lady.

Do I sound angry in this post? Probably. A bit. Yes, there was disappointment that my illusion didn’t last….that it didn’t fulfill my expectations, that it didn’t get in there and beautify everything left in my toxic mind. That it couldn’t save me from myself and my own pain, fear, expectations, and projections. That I had to see myself when it wasn’t very flattering. That I had to see where I was withholding love out of my own stingy self inflicted fear. That I wanted something from someone who couldn’t really give it, and while I knew that, I continued to try and get it, so I could feel the pain of an unresolved childhood. How perfect my spiritual guide tells me. When you can have gratitude for your lessons, you know you are growing, you know you are evolving. When you can see that life is presenting you with exactly what you need to experience and learn in order to really reach for the ultimate love. For the love that will never leave you, deny you, forget you, just want a part of you, or find you imperfect in any way. That Love. Isn’t that the greatest love story ever written? Yes,well, I also like the one with Ryan Gosling when he drives the car around and really loves the girl. He is so good at being in love. I wonder what roles he will play when he is old? I wonder if his love life confuses him as much as mine does….I wonder if he wants to let go of his illusions and find perfection in every moment. I wonder if he also thinks the young cute guy with the grin of a thousand lights, with his hands in every direction, really is a beautiful soul with alot to offer somebody, somewhere, sometime….but maybe it’s not supposed to be me.  Maybe he was just my illusion of the moment and I was his.  And maybe out of that is born a truer love from the seeking, deep within my own heart, for where I abandoned my own ship for but a small approximation to real love….for where ultimately, I am getting exactly what I asked for. Heartbreak into the heart open….Okay and let’s be honest, just to save face, it’s not like I was SO in love with the guy, like I said, it was a beautiful illusion.


546805_514278771916760_1125817447_n-1“Don’t be impatient. No one is reborn instantaneously. It takes time. It is a process. The tide goes out and comes back in. People let go of one attachment only to form another one that challenges them more. Life is rhythmic, but progressive. As earth and water breathe together, the shape of the beach changes. Storms come and go.

In the end, a profound peace comes and pervades the heart and mind. Finally, the ground of being has been reached. Here the changing waters come and go, and the earth delights in them as a lover delights in the playful touch of his beloved.

A deep acceptance is felt and, with it, a quiet recognition that all things are perfect as they are. This is grace, the presence of God come to dwell in your heart and in your life.”

Paul Ferrini from “I Am the Door”


To order this amazing book click here::

Taoist Secrets for Men That Rock The Universe

Hi everyone….Thank you so much for following this blog. I recently fell off the blog bandwagon and I want to apologize and say I simply got overwhelmed. I tend to do that. I get overwhelmed and then  just stop things entirely. I think it’s a subtle form of self sabotage on some level. On the other hand I was also doing some serious self healing work and taking a break from being on the computer so very much. I don’t feel as energetically balanced when I have been on the computer in large doses so I let myself take a break and just enjoy the summer.

But now the inspiration is back, I have tektite rocks and argone and crystals all around my computer to help balance the energy. I will post about how those things work amazingly well to balance the magnetic frequencies in another post. Right now I am waiting for a special argone piece for my cell phone….the new Iphone I am about to purchase–YAY! Cell phones are another thing that makes my energy wacky. But the good news is there are special rocks and gems and crystals that can help and I have a friend who makes the most amazingly beautiful and useful gadgets for everything you can think of.  More to come on that…just planting seeds for future posts!

I am coming back to this blogging with a more personal touch and I want to share more of my personal journey with you all, as this is the writing that inspires me and I think I have a lot going on in my life that you all would be interested in. Sensual Tantric Healing is a path I am living daily in NYC. Sometimes successfully, sometimes not so successfully, but overall, I feel at this time on the planet, most of us are getting a little ass kicking and are being forced to step up and do what we came here to do. Recently I am finding that I DO KNOW! I don’t have to trick myself into thinking, I am confused. I am not. I am here to help share conscious sexuality, sensuality and the path of healing and transformation thru these pathways…for the good of all. I am here to help the balancing of the male and female principles on this planet and help support the woman to shine and step into her real power that is as soft as it is fierce.

Recently in  my practice of Sensual Tantric Healing I have started to work with a Taoist master to bring more of the beauty of the taoist wisdom into my work with men, women and couples. Mantak Chia, the leading teacher of Taoism is a such a gem of a master and his books are profound. I find this chinese system really understands how to systematize the cultivation of sexual energy for healing, joy and expansion in such a clear and poetic way. So I am diving in. Most importantly it starts with your own practice. This week I am beginning to learn Ovarian breathing and the 5 Healing Sounds, which I am told are the foundation for this work.

Here is a quote from Taoist Secrets of Love Cultivating Male Sexual Energy by Mantak Chia:

“The Tao teaches there is infinite pleasure and limitless potential with every human being. The addiction to sex as emotional food can gradually be changed from within the male body through chi cultivation. One grows to appreciate this fact with the retention of the seminal fluid and its transformation into the higher center of the heart. One experiences the fullness of life long after the love-making has ceased, and a delicacy that more easily moves beyond temporary sensory stimulation, to a continuous connection of feelings with the lover. The man who diligently studies the Tao learns that the source of all emotions as well as the source of a woman’s allure is also within himself.”

“The man who cultivates his subtle energy eventually experiences in his body the fact that all living beings are part of one life.  He and his lover flow into each other. He knows that across the web of consciousness one living thing constantly nourishes another. In becoming highly aware of the interconnection between all creatures, he strengthens his tendency to be unselfish. He may suddenly find himself asking: why pour negative thoughts into the single stream from which all must drink?” -Mantak Chia

I LOVE these two qoutes….it brings sexuality to a whole new cosmic level where it should be….this is what I want to offer to people. This is what I want to learn to cultivate more of in  my own life.  Recently I have been attracting more clients that are seeking ejaculation retention or are already at that level and I have also introduced a couple of newbies to this practice, with smashing feedback. They have reported increased energy, more aliveness and more appreciation for life…when at first they felt they were getting cheated of a “full experience” they later said they had never felt so amazing….
More to come…..the next post will be about women and sexual energy cultivation according to the Tao. Please feel free to leave comments!

Or to order Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy by Mantak Chia click the image.

Fall 2012 Teleseminar Schedule – Healing Trauma, Feminine Empowerment, and Ancient Egypt!

I am so happy this work is happening….please make use of it!

Mommy Mystic

I’m very excited to announce my Fall teleseminar teaching schedule, featuring three new 4-week energy work teleseminars. Take 1, 2, or all 3!

Energy Healing for Sexual Trauma, Sept. 30th – Oct. 21st

Feminine Energy Body Empowerment, Oct. 28th – Nov. 18th

Ancient Egyptian Mysticism, Nov. 25th – Dec. 16th

Each 4- week teleseminar is recorded live on Sunday mornings 9-10am PST. You may participate live through a conference service or listen to the MP3 recording at any time during the week. Each class also includes related written materials for your reference and optional participation in an online forum where you may ask questions and share experiences (you may participate anonymously if you wish.)

All of these seminars revolve around guided energy work and meditation centered on the chakras, or energy centers. You do not need a familiarity with the chakras to follow along. In each session…

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Adyashanti Qoute

” We need the willingness to lose our world. That willingness is the surrender; that willingness is the letting go. Each of us has to find what that letting go means for us, what we need to let go of. Whether it’s easy or difficult doesn’t matter in the slightest. It is the letting go that is ultimately important” The End of Your World by Adyashanti

Understanding Your Feminine Energy Body by Lisa Erickson


Understanding Your Feminine Energy Body

By Lisa Erickson

Do you feel you absorb the moods and energies of people around you? Do you find yourself mirroring other people’s emotions or opinions back to them, often without realizing it until you are out of a situation? Do you sense that you energetically anchor your family and friends, and does that sometimes become overwhelming?

These are all common experiences for many women. Our social conditioning encourages us to structure our identities around our relationships, and our role in others’ lives. But there is more at work in these experiences than simple emotional sensitivity. There are also energetic principles at work – qualities of our feminine energy bodies that impact how we experience and interact in all aspects of our lives.

What do I mean by ‘energy body’? I think of our energy body as the intermediary between our physical body and our spirit. We both receive and transmit energetic ‘data’ through our energy body. Others’ emotions and thoughts, vibrations from our physical surroundings, and messages or insights from spiritual levels of being, pass through our energy body into our physical self. Our own moods, thoughts, physical and spiritual vibrations are transmitted outward, also through our energy body. Our energy body is our energetic antenna.

Just as we have a physical anatomy, so we also have an energetic, or subtle, anatomy. Many cultures around the world have developed energy body mappings, some as part of energy healing traditions, and others as part of spiritual traditions. The most common health-based mapping is the meridian system – the basis for acupuncture, and several other alternative healing modalities. The most common spiritually-derived mappings are chakra systems, used in yoga and meditation traditions as gateways to spiritual growth and experience.

What is most helpful for women to understand is that our energy bodies differ from men’s – just as our physical bodies differ. In fact, many of our energy body differences mirror the physical differences; and just as the physical differences – particularly in our hormonal levels and patterns  – influence every aspect of our health, so our energetic differences influence many areas of our lives.

The three main characteristics of women’s energy bodies are:

1) Women’s energy bodies are centripetal. Although everyone’s energy bodies both attract and emanate energy, women’s in general are more absorbent, and receptive, pulling energy in from around them. This energy may be in the form of other’s emotions and thoughts, in the form of vibrations from physical surroundings, or in the form of etheric and spiritual input. Depending on how we learn to handle this influx of energetic ‘data’, we might be exceptionally intuitive, suggestible, or just overwhelmed (many of us swing between these!)

2) Women’s energy bodies run in cycles and phases. Just as our physical bodies experience a hormonal cycle every month in our pre-menopausal years, so our energy body also flows in cycles. Our energy bodies are more centripetal, more absorbent of energy from the outside, in the days leading up to menstruation. We are more creatively oriented – expressing outwards both energetically and personally – closer to ovulation. Peri-menopause is often a time of extreme energetic swings between these two phases, as our cycle becomes less regular. Although often challenging, peri-menopause offers an opportunity for us to be reborn as wise women, with full access to both our intuitive and creative aspects.

3) Women’s energy bodies offer a unique spiritual gateway. Just as our womb is the doorway for new physical life, so the corresponding energy center – our second or sacral chakra – is a unique spiritual gateway, into Source itself. While the traditional model for spiritual enlightenment is often one based on solitary prayer and meditation, leading to a metaphysical union with Source/God, feminine spiritual traditions of all faiths have put forth an alternative, uniquely feminine path. This path is based on embodiment, and integration with all aspects of life, rooted in our connection to creation, nature, and relationship.

These energetic differences have far-ranging implications for our lives, and for our spiritual journeys, all of which I hope to explore in more detail in this column going forward. In the meantime, here is a simple meditation you can experiment with, to help you begin to connect with your feminine energy body. It is a meditation on the three ‘yin’, or receptive/feminine chakras, the 2nd (womb), 4th (heart), and 6th (third eye) centers:

• Sit quietly and center yourself with a few deep breaths.

• Place your hands gently on your pelvic area, 4-5 inches below your navel. Take a few deep breaths into your hands, imagining the air filling your pelvic area. If you like, close your eyes and visualize a beautiful light encompassing this area of your body.

• Now move your hands up to the center of your chest, right where your breastbone begins to curve. Take a few deep breaths into your chest cavity, filling it with air. Close your eyes and visualize light filling your chest.

• Move your hands to your forehead, pressing one finger a little above the midpoint of your eyebrows. Breathe into this area, and visualize a radiant light filling the entire frontal lobe of your brain.

• Repeat as many times as you like. Finish by re-centering yourself and gently opening your eyes.

You can combine this with any other meditation or devotional practice you may have.  Over time, it will help you become aware of your feminine energy centers, and your overall feminine energy body. In future columns I will talk about ways to protect your energy body, clear it, work with the intuitive data that flows into you through it, and access the spiritual, creative doorway available to you.

In Peace-


TO check out Lisa’s blog go to

The Womb as Transmuter

“When the womb is clear and open it has the capacity to take in any energy and transform it. Through the womb’s non-judgemental embrace, any emotion, quality, or wound can be transformed. Anger can become vulnerability;hate can become peace; judgement can become forgiveness. The angry man becomes the innocent child, and the viciousness of hate becomes softened into vulnerability and tender embrace. The womb-heart of any woman can become the womb of the Divine Mother, becoming all- accepting, all- embracing transmuter of fear and negativity. Whatever is thrown at this womb can be embraced and transform into its opposite. This is the next big step for humanity-and for women-to take.”


“This dragon energy, the primordial force, the serpent power, is a key part of grounding and opening the womb completely. Only the heart can really guide this vibrant, fertile, awakening power. And only the connection between the womb and the heart can make this dragon, this ancient primordial power, really live again.

–Taken from The Power of Shakti by Padma Aon Prakasha

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