Pisces New Moon: Time to Wake Up

March 8th 2016- New Moon and Solar Eclipse on the 9th…

From Mystic Momma blog taken from Divine Harmony:

“So the Solar Eclipse and the entire month of March is a time to choose to stay present, awake and aware– to not go back to sleep, to not bury your head in the sand, to not stay in denial about your past and your sole responsibility for it that has brought you to today.
This month is ripe with major opportunities for karmic completion which will then free you up for dramatic shifts and evolutionary leaps just around the corner! But you cannot spiritually bypass what is up for you right now- as the deep, intense, karmic energies afoot ARE the eye of the needle you must move through first before you can get to the other side…”
“We are all being called to FEEL IT ALL. To feel our Divinity and our humanity, our joy and our grief, our wholeness and our wounding, our peace and our conflict, our kindness and our anger, our confidence and our shame.
“We are being asked to feel it all within us and without. And this is an intense experience- there’s really no getting around it. We need to feel it for ourselves and for others and for the world at large!
“…Oneness is not a concept or delusional idea to Pisces- Pisces FEELS IT. We ARE all in this together…”
“With this Eclipse opposite Jupiter on the North Node- the path to evolution, growth and the realization of our destiny requires that we balance pisces’ idealism and otherwordly-ness with Virgo’s ‘be here now’ practicality and presence…”

To read further please click here:


Enjoy this time everyone…potent times of awakening and celebrating…healing.

Much Love


Don’t Waste Time On Things That Don’t Feel Good

Don’t waste time on things that don’t feel good” She says to me smiling sweetly. It seems so simple when she says it in between bites of a delicious sinful egg and english muffin sandwich, comfort food I would never let myself have but would secretly crave. The strict New York woman I have become-gotta be fit!. And healthy.! No time for going off the diet… But secretly craving something sinful. She challenged me. To see how strict and regimented I had become. How often I didn’t let the animal instinctual part of myself out to taste life. To make mistakes and fall down and get a little messy in pursuit of the soul. Get a little messy in pursuit of soul….I had to say it again to hear the deliciousness of these words.

She had let herself do these things. Have a beer at 9 in the morning one time and smoke pot with the cute stranger at the party, when she had a serious client in the morning. One time she ditched out on two online course times just because she HAD to go dancing…..Somehow she was able to indulge in these things without letting it get like totally out of hand. She was able to take small sips of pleasure just to balance her equation of meditation, yoga, and the spiritual search. She was able somehow to stay balanced, whilst being a rebel. It was impressive. And I wanted it. And she knew I wanted it and I felt was secretly taunting me a little, in a good way, to make me see my own desires and witness my own up tightness….To also be show that it was okay, and actually beneficial to follow the path of the hedonist at times.  The sacred hedonist. Not to escape life but to celebrate it. There was a win win in celebration.

It created a spark. A glow. A fragrance of something wild and potential and illuminating. It opened doors, it signed checks, it got the balls rolling, it found partners and friends and houses and jobs. Because celebration was infectious. It was a fire that burned things down to open things back up. It was the magic elixir that juiced all the parts to keep them working and humming and loving and moving. Celebration. It was the ultimate YES to life and something this great planet was missing way too much of…because of a deep misunderstanding of what it actually was and is. Of the potent healing affect of celebration, of the way it challenged all our out dated beliefs that sacrafice was the way to the good life.

I began to look at all the things I had done that week that didn’t feel good. I continued to practice yoga at a studio that I just didn’t like. The teachers were rude, the postures made my body hurt and worse than that it smelled and the people looked a little bit crazy. But I continued to go, feeling bad about being “judgemental” and maybe it was “good for me”. But it wasn’t and I knew it. I had accepted an apartment in a neighborhood I had never felt good in. I thought well maybe this time, I would. But I didn’t. In fact I felt oppressed and un-inspired. Spending time with a friend whose beliefs and words about life left me feeling turned off and a bit retracted. A bit like “why am I hanging out with someone who believes these things about life and its people?“A bit like “why do I spend time in a place where I don’t feel seen or heard?” I found myself thinking maybe I was expecting too much….I was needy…I was wounded…..all of these thoughts made it MY fault. When maybe the person was kind of a jerk….You know, it happens like this sometimes. People are jerks and it has nothing to do with us. Why was it always my fault for whatever dynamic I was feeling with another? For sure there are two people creating the dynamic, but why was it always MY fault?

I began to notice all the ways I was not standing my ground for things I believe in, things I wanted, things I felt passionately for. At the movies with a friend I really wanted to see the one about the girl who keeps going but I found myself saying “whatever you want to see” to a friend who was more than happy to choose the one about the guy with the sword. As I was planning my travels to another city I found myself saying yes to accommodations I was less than jazzed about. Accommodations I could have created in a different way if I had only just chosen to go with the inner promptings and desire. Little things in life, but still….I was letting life just happen without my participation and I was desperate to figure out why. Why was I letting life pass me by without claiming some piece of it as mine instead of defaulting to whatever everybody else wanted? Why was what others wanted more important than what I wanted. Especially if in many circumstances there were some definite desires unfolding.….

I don’t have the answer yet, other than a cliche new age answer I can give you, that I really don’t want to give you until I have really worked it out within and revealed something of truth. I did however follow the reccomendation of a friend and ordered this book…


Blessings on your path…I will write more on this topic soon when I have uncovered a meaningful answer that isn’t straight up cliche or psycho spiritual babble:)




I absolutely adore Mystic Mamma’s posts. In this one she talks about February as being a month of committed choice. As someone who often has a challenging time to make a committed choice, I must say I find it refreshing to read this post which I feels breaks down a lot of the fear of the choice thing and how IMPORTANTE it is to gather this skill and apply THIS month…One of the committments I have made is to creating this blog with even more content and decadence, because I LOVE to write and share myself thru words, so expect alot more content from me and please comment at the bottom…

From Mommy Mystic:

“January’s theme of RESET brought with it numerous opportunities for change and change often brings choices and decisions.

“Some choices and decisions are generated by your own chosen resets and some are a result of a reset you may have experienced from the outside.

“As we enter February we encounter good influences that will take your choices and decisions and feed them with some momentum allowing for action, manifestation and flow.

“There are two elements that are necessary for this to happen: Commitment and discipline. Commitment to the choices and decisions you have made will ensure that you get the most out of them. It is a message to spirit that you are truly serious about what you have chosen and intended, what you desire and wish for.

“This is not a month to be sitting on the fence or to regret your choices or to think the grass is greener on the other side. This is a time to be committed to your life and the choices you have made in a way that leaves no room for ambivalence and no back door.” -Mommy Mystic

For more of this wonderful article that has helped me tremendously simply click here:


And as always if you are needing more support or are interested in tantric healings in person or by skype feel free to visit my website: www.sensualtantrichealing.com

Blessings and Love Dear Friends….




Mischief and Wisdom – Finding Your Way in the Year of the Monkey

We are well on our way into the New Year according to the solar Western calendar, but the Chinese and Tibetan New Years, which much of the world observe, don’t begin until February 8th. We are heading into the Year of the Red Fire Monkey, and as has become tradition, I’m offering my own look […]


HOW TO LIVE LIKE AN URBAN GODDESS: 7 Tantric Lifestyle Practices for Healthy Urban Living



I have lived in NYC for most of my adult life. Having been on a spiritual path for the past 20 years, it still baffles my mind that I live amongst all this concrete and hustle and bustle when I am not in Costa Rica, my respite and second home. But the truth of the matter is, I have spent more time walking these mean streets and navigating the subway and crowds than I have on any beach, boat or country ferris wheel. Having practiced tantra for the past 10 years, and some sort of spiritual practice for the past 20, I have gathered some wisdom about what it takes to make it energetically in the midst of urban sprawl. This article will be informed by NYC life but it can apply to any urban experience across the globe. New York, if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere, but it truly is up to you and how much coffee you drink. Just kidding. Well sorta.

  1. ENJOY….yes. I put this as numero uno because living in a city is all about enjoying it. Let’s make one thing clear, if you come to a city and bitch and complain that the city is too loud or dirty or over-populated, well then, it will be. You don’t come to a city to find yourself and merge with tranquility. You come to a city to live out loud, express, explore, experiment and make connections. The times I have gotten back from Costa Rica, chilled out, tranquilo and tanned and hit the streets complaining, uncomfortable, wishing for more sun on my face, have just made me miserable. When you fight with reality, it really can only fight back. Surrender to what is. Surrender to the fact that you can now shop for things you would never find anywhere else, eat food you may never find anywhere else, and meet people of all shapes and sizes, some of which are brilliant, ambitious, traveled and interesting. Surrender to the fact that some of the best culture can be found in a city and surrender to the fact that loads of immigrants from other countries have worked like mad to just be able to be here to even have a shot at some sort of better life. Find the aspects of your city that you dig, the restaraunts, the activities, the people and seek them out and ENJOY them…Enjoying is the key to peace, health, wealth and distraction from the more challenging aspects of life. It is also your birthright and I believe the reason we were born. Enjoying is a healer totalmente (yes I made up that word)…do not underestimate her fierce grace.

    2. FIND TREES AND GREEN THINGS AND SUNSHINE….The main challenge I find living in a city is the lack of nature. Do what you can to get your daily or weekly fix. It wont be enough for a normal sane human but you can meet the minimum requirements thru city parks or thru simply getting out of the city into a close by natural setting. Even 5-10 minutes a day changing your walk to work to pass thru a park and simply sitting and doing nothing (not sitting and checking your phone) will help ease your over-active city buzz. Try and meditate if you can in that green or better yet, take off your shoes and walk thru some grass and get on the earth. There are serious ions in the earth that travel up your feet and in to your entire system making your soul greener, you step lighter and the lines on your face soften. Nature is the master healer and what our bodies need to balance themselves. If you can’t get to a park, add some plants to your apartment. They will oxygenize your space and make you happier, I promise. Apartments without plants make no sense to me, you really feel a shift when you add them and the watering of them keeps you connected to nature even in a small way. The same with sun. City people tend to be lacking Vitamin D. If you can get outside and get some sun on your face and exposed skin for 10-15 minutes, say at your lunch break or in between shops, you are adding a lot of general magic to your system. On the days I don’t do this, wow I can feel it. It blows my mind how this little time in the sun makes a big difference to my mood. If you are lacking Vitamin D and really just never make it to daily sun then take a supplement, for women this is super anti-breast cancer. Just make sure not to over due it, too much Vitamin D is also not the best. You can get a simple blood test from your doctor to see your range. And by all means: GET OUT…go to the country. Just Go. Don’t think about it. The retreat out of the city will make you much fresher when you get back in. Or you will decide to move. Either way you have options.

    3. MEDITATE..I know, I know, we busy urban junkies are too busy to sit and do nothing, but that’s exactly why we need to. Our minds are so over activated in an urban sprawl that we have to give ourselves time to clean them out. Think of it like re-booting your computer. You just have to do it now and then and install the updates. The brain is like this. Too much stimulation and it just does not run as effectively. And ends up running you. Even if you just get in 5 minutes a day, twice a day it is enough. Something happens when we stop and let the universe in…..things get clearer, brilliant solutions come, we remember what is important, we begin to feel our lives again, rather than over think them, we stop wasting time on repetitive or circular thoughts that lead nowhere but to tension. We also calm our nervous systems and up our immune system. Stress is the greatest disease. Meditation is the magic pill. Even if you have to go to the bathroom to do it. Even if you have to put on your head phones on the subway and close your eyes. Even if its 5 minutes at the end of your yoga practice. Stop. Collaborate and listen.

  4. BREATHE…yes I know you are breathing all day but un-conscious breath is very different than deep, mindful breath. Breathing is one of the top ways we detox toxins in the body and one of the greatest remedies for slowing down and centering. It also makes you sexy. And it both calms and energizes you if done right. I like an in hale thru the nose and exhale out the mouth to balance my yin and yang. Yin being the nostril breathing and yang being the mouth breathing. The cool thing about breathing is that no matter what situation you are in, you can do it without anyone noticing. And what I have noticed is if I am in a stressful situation with another person and I start focusing on my breath, they also seems to relax and become more at ease without really knowing what is happening. It really is like magic. It also relaxes you into your body, which is always in the moment and quiets the mind so you can be more efficient in your thought process.

  5. EMOTE…Yes, cry, shout, scream, laugh, sing with joy. Emotions are the colors of life and without them we are robots. Living in a city requires a certain amount of stimulation and taking in a huge amount of human energy each day. This can affect us on a deep level, but because there is so much of it we barely have time to process it all and often we are shutting down or numbing out all the stimulus we receive from the outside. This can make us stuffed full of other people’s dramas and cold to our deep reserve of human empathy and sensitivity. So make time for regular emotional detox sessions. A great way thru this is thru breath work, ecstatic dance or other emotional release techniques and art. Singing, dancing, acting, painting, writing, anything that allow expression even if you are not an “artist” do it for a healthy soul. Just talking about emotions does not get us feeling and moving thru them…Stuck and stored emotions turn into unhealthy relationships, illness, abundance issues, depression and blocked soul drive. Even if you take the time to turn on your favorite melancholy music and spend some time alone, its good to get the emotions flowing so you don’t get stuck with stored up energy. Remember emotion is just energy in motion.

  6. MOVE…Exercise the body. Sweat. Movement is one of thenGreatest healers ever. Find the thing you love to do that gets you in that zen mind. Whether its the gym, or park walking or all night dancing or yoga, just find the time to move your body, sweat and breathe. Not only does exercise improve mood, make your body healthier and sexier, but it also releases toxins thru the sweat and breath and gets you into a rhythmic state which is as close to orgasmic ecstasy as you can get without having an actual orgasm. The other great thing about movement is its often done to music which as we know is the great spirit lifter and sexiness shiner. I also find after exercise I feel smarter and more motivated. Over- exercising is not advised but that kind of exercise where you feel challenged but inspired, not dragging or pounding your body into some maniacal gym instructors idea of fitness. Healthy movement is when you are connected and feeling YOUR body and ENJOYING the pleasure of moving it.

  7. GET OUT! Yes…please go out of the city often. Whether its day trips to natural settings, visiting family or friends in suburban settings or simply taking a vacation for a few days or weeks. Find the time to give yourself many moments outside of the hustle and bustle. Often times we are in the city so intense on doing what we are here to do, we can loose perspective on that ambition. Getting out of the noise and traffic and smog is also about getting out of the collective mind that accumulates in us. Our minds are all wired to each other and thoughts do travel. When we live with so many other human minds, thinking, calculating and worrying we can take on that energy more often. So getting out allows us some space to simply collect ourselves and our thoughts and gain some much needed perspective. Because we often don’t realize how the city is affecting us until we are out of it and reflecting on how we feel, its a good idea to just make this a rule…GET OUT!! Or better yet, move out and come visit me down in Costa Rica, where my refuge outside of the city awaits. In fact if this whole article made you realize you need to get out of the city or move then I applaude you. I love city life. Truly. But I don’t condone it. In the end I think the healthiest way to live is in nature. Pure and simple. But if you have to be in the city due to work, family, career, passions then by all means live as best as you can.

If you want more tips or tricks for healthier urban living, visit my websites : www.sensualtantrichealing.com and www.breathworknyc.com (coming soon-currently being upgraded) and schedule some one on one coaching or breathwork with me in person or via skype or simply sign up to my email list to stay informed about my upcoming online course: “Every Woman Is a Tantrika: A Live Online Course for Urban Women Who Want To Thrive Radiantly In Any City”.  It is my pleasure to assist you in elevating your life with Tantric Lifestyle Practices and Wholistic Sexuality.


Chakras Blocked?

10996378_1106656089361073_5414727044507092550_nOur chakra system is a rich and colorful system that corresponds to energies in our lives and areas of our body. When certain chakras are blocked, so are certain energies in our lives and parts of our bodies. Tantric work helps to open these chakras and bring the breath and movement of sensual energy to clean out and restore their natural goodness. Pleasure has the power to heal and by generating this cosmic kundalini pleasure energy and spreading it via touch and breath and sound thru out the whole body and therefore into the chakras we can create magic, healing and aliveness. Pure and simple.

The FIRST CHAKRA:: Also known as the root chakra, or the area between the anus and the genitalia,functions as our anchor in the world and our connection to survival. It is also our sexual chakra where we can also experience sexual energy. If we have problems relating to this chakra our life force can be reduced to a dull murmur. Our relationship to work becomes a survival matter rather than a love affair of enjoyment. We tend to be more prone to diseases of the sexual organs. We also may feel we never have enough so we push ourselves to constantly create More. This constant needing for more is our society’s ill at the moment, particularly in the USA, where it seems we are a culture of bigger is better, more is success…..Healing the root chakra assists us in being more at ease in our bodies, on our planet and in the safety of a benevolent universe.

The SECOND CHAKRA: which is the belly center is a place of exsquisite creative power. But when contracted we may loose our sense of boundaries and our sense of what is ours and what is the others. We may say yes when we mean no or find ourselves in situations that we feel we are powerless to change. Our health can often suffer as we become poor self-nurturers and become constipated both literally and emotionally. When this chakra is aligned and healthy we are in good relation to life rhythms and we complete our creative projects.

The THIRD CHAKRA; the solar center the area of the belly button, is our center of self-esteem. When this area is blocked we may have low self worth and allow others to take advantage of us. We can become victims and not want to take responsibility for changing situations we got ourselves into. When this area is healthy we are empowered to do our best and show up for our lives with responsibility. And responsibility is merely our ability to respond.

The FOURTH CHAKRA is our heart chakra. Pretty easy to understand what happens when this one is blocked. We are in pain, and un-trusting and we doubt everyone and everything sometimes letting our head rule our choices rather than listening to the heart.We may long for love but the fear of getting hurt keeps us closed and untrusting. When our heart chakra is open and healthy we are embracing and accepting of people and situations with trust and ease. We look to create peace in our lives and have love to offer and receive.

The FIFTH CHAKRA, the throat center is our expression center. When this is blocked we find it hard to express ourselves and may be stuck in subordinate roles and we never really communicating our truth. When this area is healthy and in tune we are able to express our wants and needs and also give others permission to do the same.

The SIXTH CHAKRA: the third eye is a place of intuitive insight. When it is blocked we may feel confused or lost. So we tend to follow others and look for our authority outside of ourselves. We also may be resentful of being so co-dependent so we judge others. When the sixth chakra is healthy we see the higher picture and stay on track. It’s the visionary sense we all have. And the place where one sees the highest potential of both himself and others.

The SEVENTH CHAKRA: is our connection to spirit, also known as the crown chakra. When this is blocked we don’t really trust that we have the answers within us and our relationship to the divine is unclear. We are often apprehensive and dissappointed by life as we are not sure there really is a benevolent universe. When this chakra is healthy we are in touch with higher intelligience, light and love and feel connected to our higher power. We are infused with divine energy and wisdom.

The chakras when cleaned and balanced can be a tremendous source of cosmic energy, healing and beauty. There are many ways to chakra cleanse. Using Tantric breath, sound and movement is one way and should be practiced with care and consciousness. Yoga is another great way, hands on healings, accupuncture and many other healing forms.

May you walk in goodness and healing and find all you are sincerely searching for.



11393080_1106656019361080_4994268658126731411_nThe full moon is upon us…read up about what energies may be floating thru your life right now……A good oppurtunity to do a ritual, sit with the moon, or dance wildy and make love….full moons bring out our passions but it is always good to know what energies they are radiating to us…for more information I get mine from ::Mystic Mamma:::

“FULL MOON in Sagittarius is here calling us to see through the fog of illusion to pierce the truth within. There is lots of electric and creative energy stirring but we must meet it with grounded discernment. So let’s find some time to be still and just Be, as we allow the Light of the Full Moon to bring her illumination. 

Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers. First from the insightful DIPALI DESAI  and her Celestial Space Astrology:
“Having big visions may stir passion and hope. Aiming high amongst the stars may seem inspiring.
“Visions or having high expectation similar to building castles in the air without an earthly foundation may create disillusionment and disappointment especially under the aspects of the Full Moon in Sagittarius…”
“Each must turn to the wisdom within and ask what knowledge requires integration nowOld perceptions or thoughts may trigger emotional fear, worry, tears and extra dose of anxiety now…”
“During the Full Moon in Sagittarius, there is a tension oriented aspect; the Sun and Mars in Gemini ‘Opposition’ to the Moon in Sagittarius while transiting Mercury retrograde in Gemini ‘Square’ Neptune in Pisces.
“This suggests high levels of nervous tension, mental irritability, vagueness, confusion which muddles clear action as well as possible back and forth with misunderstandings via communication and emotions….
“It almost feels right now as if things on a mental level are in suspended animation, not really moving or going anywhere. This can be frustrating and exhausting.
“So cry the tears and clear the fears, most of all under the Full Moon in Sagittarius ‘have faith’ in the bigger or expanded reality and of your life design. There is something big happening in the backdrop spiritually that may not be seen yet, but things are moving and bubbling.
“The nervous system may also feel a bit over-loaded now. The urge to escape, avoid, withdraw or not wanting to deal with certain things may feel strong now.
“Rather than over-indulging in substances such as alcohol, drugs or over-eating, feel into the emotions and support yourself through it. Be present with things as they may reveal insights to you.
“A healthy way to work with this energy is to allow for time away from pressures of figuring things out and simply be in stillness.
“One way of working with this handful of diverse symbolism is allowing yourself to dissolve the tension within the mind is through, art, rest or sleep, poetry, healing, meditation or being out in Nature to gain a different perspective…”
“Some issue or situation may feel as if it is reaching its peak point before a major shift or emptying out occurs. The build up feels a lot more pressurized so breathe through it.
“Feel through the emotions of the past yet do not hold onto the right and wrong or blaming the other person. This will only create more conflict or strife under the aspects of the Full Moon in Sagittarius.



The Beauty of The Daily Practice: 7 Tips To Ignite Your Practice

10604575_10152820965557069_8282840049436628307_oThe beauty of a daily tantric practice is you set the tone of your entire day, simply by vibrating from pleasure. Not necessarily from sexual pleasure, although that may be part of your practice, but from the pleasure of the heart, soul and senses. When you rise in the morning and the first thing you do is pray/meditate/commune with the sacredness of life by chanting, yoga, singing, dancing, praying, sitting silently, reading inspirational texts or simply sitting with the birds and the breeze, you imprint something onto your day. You welcome in the miraculous. You draw to you what you need for the rest of the day, people smile at you for no reason, things seem to work out, you notice beauty more around you…Tantric energy is pure life force, magic, miracles, and it begins with saying thank you, it begins with you, putting the Essence of Life before your personal agenda……there is a fragrance inherent in this that seduces life effortlessly, that makes the whole world shine even brighter. Shine your inner diamond and life will shine back at you. I promise.

Not sure how to begin a practice? Not sure you even believe in “prayer” or a “God”?…It’s really okay. Because this practice is about you and what helps you align with the day, it’s not about ideology or religion…it’s truly about you finding the way into alignment with your deepest soul.

Tip #1-Establish a Sacred Place for your Practice that you continuously return to. This place can be anywhere in your home or yard…but it should be free of electrical devices, mess, or other people’s stuff. You can have the traditional altar with sacred pictures, flowers, items, and candles, OR you can just have a nice spot in your favorite chair or near the window with your favorite view. Wherever it is, it should inspire a sense of beauty and ease. It can also be in the back yard …but try and create a spot where you feel private, clean and peaceful.

-Tip #2::Do It Right Away. Don’t Make Coffee or Check Email First. Seriously. Your mind when you awake is fresh. You want to imprint it with the freshest most aligned energy you can, so that your practice is capable of doing the magic it is possible of doing. You set a tone when you wake up and speak to Life. It says you are prioritizing the things that really matter to you and Life responds based on that proclamation.

-Tip #3:: Do a Practice.  A mantra, an affirmation, a prayer, a tantric practice you picked up from a new workshop…something that you do regularly at least for a week. Give it some time and discipline to work. We need to create a field of resonance, a field of meditative energy. An actual practice, like mediation or mantra helps create that field to activate your sub-conscious. And bring you into more harmony with your soul. Try to do this for at least 10 minutes. Longer is always better.

-Tip #4:: Do a Devotion:: After the practice portion let yourself also get creative. Sing, dance, pray out loud, journal, do something that really calls from your heart in a way that you creatively wish to speak to life. Our own creativity, which stems from no-mind is very powerful. I like to speak out loud, and really voice what I usually see transpiring in my meditation. I speak to Life just like a friend and I keep a journal to get the answers or reflections I recieve. I also like to dance, sing, and sometimes I just sway and do mantra, but I follow my creative inspiration and let that wisdom guide me for as long as I have time for. Often I discover great creative ideas, and insight from this portion of the practice.

-Tip #5:: Close with Intention. Don’t just get up when the time is over as if getting up from the sofa. Do something to seal your practice. To make an offering to the energy you created so that it stays with you the rest of the day. I like to namaste and bow my head like in traditional yoga, you can also imagine a white light encircling all around you keeping that good energy with you or you can come up with your own way. Amen can be a nice traditional way or you can bow your head to the floor…Find what works for you. But seal the deal!

-Tip #6:: Silence is Golden. Keep it silent. Meaning no radio or tv on.. Maybe some chant music is okay or sacred music but I personally think silence is best so you can really tune in to what is happening within you. So often music and media create habitual responses in us and throw us off as to what we are actually feeling. Wait till after your practice to put on your inspiring get ready for the day music…Let the birds carry you thru the practice part….If you can. If you live in a major city like I have in the past sometimes I have had to play some kirtan music to meditate as the garbage trucks were just too loud!

-Tip #7:: Keep it Real. Authenticity is what it’s about. Don’t do your practice because you “should” or because you want something out of it. It’s okay if you are desiring to create better things in your life, but also remain humble….Just show up because the universe is awesome and you love to spend some time alone with it….Do your practice from your heart, and offer yourself to it… I promise your days will look a whole lot different. You might even notice more synchronicity and sense of ease happening alot more. I am not saying you will have no more challenges in life, but the rate of suffering and struggle will get less….I often notice distinct differences in my life on the days I have meditated and practiced than on the days I haven’t. See for yourself.

Keep me posted on how things go I would love to hear from you….I truly hope this post has inspired you to start a daily practice or pick up the one you maybe let linger to long…



Pleasuring a Woman: How Tantra is Not a Quick Fix

11059924_10153179685165926_9152281571664416257_nI get this request alot….I want to learn how to pleasure a woman. I want to learn how to give a woman massive orgasms. I want to learn what women like. I want to learn what women want….

When I tell them, first and foremost, women need to be listened to, seen and heard by a present, collected in the moment kind of guy….they kind of rustle a bit…..squirm. I know they had imagined learning the magic points on a woman’s yoni and hearing new kinds of sounds from within her, but the truth of the matter is, is that if you don’t get the basics down, all the sexy magic tricks are going to amount to zero. Technique can always be learned, real instinct and energy have to be cultivated.

Ever been with a guy who says he is master lover and he knows all these things but then when he touches your leg its kind of cold and clammy and he isn’t really listening to anything you are saying or barely making eye contact?. Or if he is making eye contact all you can feel is his anticipation that you are going to take your clothes off? I think most women have experienced this kind of energy from men…It really does suck. You kind of feel bad for them because they are trying so hard to make something happen. They are puffing themselves up to somehow impress you but you see right thru it. And you are not turned on. But you kind of wish you could be, because here is a guy who really is trying but he keeps missing it. Without presence (the male energy) the feminine cannot surrender and be the flower, the dazzling, moving, colorful aspect of the duality.

Tantra is not a quick fix for becoming a master lover…..It is a path to gaining that mastery. For sure some people are quick studies or just plain naturals. But the fact of the matter is, most of what we have been taught about sexuality and the opposite sex is a big lie. And we have to unlearn alot of our habitual patterns. Both men and women. We have to get back to basics. Feeling, experiencing, dropping into what is inherent in our energies and natures. Letting ourselves be men and women. And recognizing what stands in our way when we have trouble accessing that natural space. Thoughts, distractions, nervous energy left over from a stressful day, childhood trauma, body issues, disconnection from ourselves. We have to be willing to dive in and dive in deep to see what patterns, psychological, spiritual, emotional etc are taking our energy. So that we can get to the source of our deepest connection. This connection allows us to deeply feel ourselves and another. And in that feeling, we have access to an instinctual place that knows how to dance with another.

3 Basic Tips for Pleasuring A Woman

1. Presence. Never underestimate the power of presence. Presence is super duper sexy. It is super duper important for a woman to feel your masculine present energy. Now what is that exactly?. Well it starts with you, sinking into yourself and clearing the clutter out of your mind and body. So first things first, You have to know You. And get right with it. Which usually takes some time, as alot of men have built up a whole fake male identity around ego and macho. Even on the most subtle of levels. We usually go about getting present thru the breath and meditation. Slowing down to feel more deeply into yourself, slowing down to really connect with your inherent presence. Thoughts may come, distractions, unfinished business…its all good. Just take the dive and see whats there. Once you pass thru some things, the gift of presence and the ability to show up as yourself, no masks, no games, just you with your loving heart and masculine energy is enough to get any girl wet. Because it is so rare.

2. Notice. Listen to her. Take her in. Look at her. Breathe her in. Notice details, ask questions about things she said. Take a genuine interest in this beautiful goddess sitting before you. Marvel at the creation of woman. Don’t drool or act like a lost puppy, take it in from the strength of your presence. Enjoy being in the company of a woman, just for the sake of being next to her. Without any expectations., none, zero, zilch. Let her thoughts and ideas and ways of girliness wow and inspire you. Don’t rush this part. It builds energy, it creates suspense…it gets the fire going.

3. Touch. Learn how to touch to open a womans body up without even getting to the most intense erogenous zones. This alone can work miracles for you. So often we women have been manhandled by sweaty, bumbling hands and to get a good pair of present, slow, warm and giving hands that aren’t trying to grope us or finger us, or grab us,  is a gift from God. Learn to give a good loving, slow and sensual (without being slimy), massage that just worships us for the amazing creatures we are. With zero expectation of sex or need to touch anywhere sexual. Unless of course you are asked or proded…then by all means, please the goddess…But that first touch, that way and texture of touching are so important….if you can touch with care and trust you will immediately put a woman in a calm and more surrendered space. And that is exactly what we need to truly feel opened to going deeper into lovemaking. Or at least we feel safe to say No, so that later we can say yes:)

Why What You’re Thinking About At The Moment of Orgasm Matters

10689934_362698920546365_4979941643078946058_nWhat you are thinking about at the moment of orgasm matters. But wait…do you even know what you are thinking about at the moment of orgasm? Most people say they aren’t thinking anything, that’s what makes orgasm so special…so cultivated, so sought after. The moment of explosion into the cosmos where you are totally free…..a total release….a total let go.

Well, that moment is also an opening. The veil between worlds becomes thinner……there is a fine opening into the greater reality…a precious opportunity.

So often people talk about orgasm as just being this amazing pleasurable state of connection. True. It is. But it is also a very precious moment that opens our energy fields and tunes us to what we are resonating at…So at that moment when the opening comes, its best to be prepared with your highest hopes and dreams, your highest intentions. Those thinking dark thoughts, off in a fantasy, or just not present will vibrate that out to the universe and will carry that in their fields…..Leading to whatever reality that will now create.

That’s why cleaning yourself, your mind, body and emotions is part of the tantric path. So when you do reach these heights you are conscious enough to really work with them to create healing and goodness in your life. It is a sacred act, making love with someone, no matter how well you know them or don’t. It’s a moment where you literally become One, even if just for a moment, even if the veil into that Oneness passes very fast. You still merge together at this time. The point is don’t miss it. Become Mindful. Recognize what is passing between you. Honor it. Even if in that moment it is simply a thought of goodness or a wish of love….just put your best.

We practice sex magic because it is literally sex magic. Your thoughts get catapulted at a much larger speed out into the universe when you are dancing in the openess that is sexuality. The portals of communication are active and alive in these moments….You have a frequency available that you don’t normally to such a degree and at that moment a magic happens where you can manifest at a much greater speed. So these sex magic rituals are harnessing this power, and working with the energy in a conscious way, stating intentions clearly, praying on specific things that you want to manifest. Sex Prayer. Sex Magic. Sex Ritual. The intention is the same….harness this awesome power of orgasm, this actual creative juice of the universe and direct it to creating very good things…

You will be amazed at how your life shifts. You will be amazed at the energy that will surge forward when you become aware like this in your love making.

Now I am not really implying thinking about the new car you want during sex is the way of it, I mean it could be, but what I am really saying, is imagine, putting prayers for a speedy recovery for a friend suffering in the hospital, or perhaps it’s repairing the relationship with the person you are making love to, or perhaps it is for a new job that fulfills you more, or maybe it is for that new car….Maybe that would make your life that much easier.

Try it out…Notice what happens…..Sex is powerful, sacred and we are just beginning to learn how to honor it and work with it in the way I believe it was meant to be used….as a healing force and a creative process….and a great source of pleasure. An act of Love.

